Monthly Archives: January 2015

Random Dove Thought

Think about this… to a fish, water is the “air” it breathes. So as far as it’s concerned, it’s flying.

School of Fish

Categories: RDT, Series | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

A Year of Gratitude

In lieu of a Happy New Year’s post, I have decided that 2015 will be the year of gratitude! So (possibly) everyday, I will post about an idea, instance or realization for which I am grateful!

For instance, New Year’s morning August was rather insistent on being held. If he was not in my arms, he was crying incessantly (there must be a word for this type of non-injury based, yet deeply woeful screeching). Ruling out hunger, a dirty diaper, or some other toddlers’ social protest for which he would “Occupy Kitchen”, I realized he just wanted to be picked up.

GRATITUDE: As I held my now silent child with one arm, I actually fed the other children breakfast, loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen and drank the first of probably several cups of coffee. So I am grateful for the indispensable ability acquired through parenting, where I am able to do many, many things with one hand.

Categories: family, personal | Tags: , , , | 9 Comments

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